Hurrah, it’s nearly Christmas again! It seems to come around quicker and quicker each year,
but I’m not complaining – it’s my favourite time of year. Last Saturday Ben and I took the kids Christmas
shopping in Preston, which really got us in the festive mood. I love shopping
in Preston just before Christmas – there are lots of great shops and there’s a
lovely Christmassy atmosphere created by all the festive lights and
decorations. Tomorrow I intend to go Christmas shopping with a friend in Leeds,
which should be fun. I haven’t been Christmas shopping in Leeds for years.
Ben and I have already bought most of the
presents for the kids. And we added a bit more fun by turning some of the
buying into a game – we decided that we would both buy each sprog a gift that cost no more than
£30 and then on Christmas Day we would let the kids tell us which they
preferred. The parent with the fewest preferences would have to do all the
housework for a week and in case of a tie the kids would decide who did the
housework. (The latter was my idea - I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to bribe
the kids into voting in my favour!)
Anyway, here’s what we ended up buying. First, Ben
bought Sarah an adorable hand smocked lemon summer dress with: white Peter Pan
collar, tie at rear with bow and white and orange daisy flowers embroidered on
the chest. And I bought Sarah a gorgeous Mayoral girl’s dress with intricate camelia flowers embroidered throughout, front and back. (Both from Cachet Kids.) I know that Sarah will love
them both, but she's going through a pink phase and so I think that will sway her
preference in my favour.

Third, Ben bought Crissy a lovely pair of special occasion girl’s white party shoes decorated with a diamantes ring and white wrap fabric from Cachet Kids. And I bought Crissy a gorgeous pair of red patent Mary Jane shoes by Pretty Originals, with leather flowers and diamonete decoration, also from Cachet Kids. We both knew that Crissy would love shoes and I’m not sure which she’ll prefer, so again we'll have to wait and see.
Finally, Ben bought Keith a Race Tin Micro StuntCar from Giggle Gadgets and I bought Keith a Star Wars Stormtrooper jumper from M&S. I know he’s going to love both presents but we’re (hopefully) going to see the new Star Wars movie before Christmas and that might tip things in my favour. Anyway, I’ll let you know the results of the competition after Christmas!
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