absolutely love Halloween! It’s a great excuse for a party! Last year my sister
Judy threw a children's fancy dress party, which was a lot of fun and I decided to
do this same this year.
and I decorated the house with lots of spooky stuff, like fake cobwebs, creepy
crawlies, resin skulls and pumpkin lanterns and the kids all dressed up in cool
was dressed in some of his father’s clothes (which were much too big for him)
and said that he had come dressed as his ‘mini me’!

Simon was dressed
in a wonderful Brave Heart knight’s outfit, which consisted of: black tunic style top with a red plume emblem and
gold net chain-mail effect finish, black trousers with gold net chain-mail knee
pads, a gold gauntlet and short sword.
We played lots of games, like bobbing for apples,
pass the parcel and musical chairs, but my favourite was a fun quiz in which we took turns at
answering questions and every time you answered a question right you got a
treat and every time you answered the question wrong you got a forfeit (like a
shaving foam pie in the face or a bucket of ice water over the head). I was the
quiz mistress and to make things ‘fair’ (and entertaining) I made sure that the
kids all had very easy questions and the adults all had impossibly hard
questions. The kids absolutely loved it! And I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so
much in my life!